Denta Pro 복합제는 다양한 성장인자들과 이들을 뒷받침하는 단백질로써 치주재생 치료 결과를 개선하도록 고안된 것이다. 본 용액을 치은 후퇴 및 생성 시술 중에 적용할 경우에는 치주 섬유 및 잇몸의 치유 과정을 개선시키는 것으로 나타났다.
Clinical result of DENTAL PRO
A periodontal procedure that helps to regenerate lost bone and tissue supporting the teeth for the purpose of reversing some of the damage caused by periodontal disease.
CAUTION: Do not inject GF Denta-Pro Solution into the gum.
This point is it amazing!
- No Draw Blood
- No Pain & No Fear
- Decrease Surgery Time
- Implant & Osteocystoma Surgery
- NUMB : Perform a standard anesthetic procedure.
- ACCESS ROOTS : Perform an incision to flap open the gum on the targeted area.
- CLEAN : Deep clean the root surface of the targeted teeth.
- DENTAL PRO : Apply 0.5 mL of Denta-Pro gel on each root surface with prepared syringe.
1.Place bone graft (or substitute) into the pocket.
2.Complete the treatment with suturing and apply 0.5 mL of GF Denta-Pro on sutured area. Allow 7Ç 10 minutes for solution to absorb. - FOLLOW UP : For optimal results, re-apply additional GF Denta-Pro solution [0.5 mLÇ1.0 mL] to each treated area at day 3 and day 7 post-procedure.